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Writer's pictureCarol Massey-McCants

Political Misfits - “Not Like Us”

Kendrick Lamar, Hip Hop mogul, penned the summer’s searing blockbuster “Not Like Us”.  He masterfully chants a scathing rebuke highlighting a music rival and perceived misfit. For this commentary, the focus is on political misfits, “Not Like Us” Mark Robinson and Donald J. Trump.  Trump is the champion and arguably one of the most dangerous political misfits the U.S. has ever seen. 


The GOPs candidate for North Carolina governor wants to bring back slavery, self-described as a “Black Nazi,” and praised Hitler. Robinson’s shocking and incendiary litany of racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic remarks should be disqualifying. Staffers have quit and are disavowing any connection with Robinson. Campaign funding is drying up.  


Turkish Proverb: “The forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the ax, for the ax was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was made of wood, he was one of them.”


Trump supporters violently stormed the U.S. Capitol, in a deadly bid, to obstruct the peaceful transfer of power.  His scurrilous lies about a stolen election became the rallying cry for frenzied supporters to attempt to overturn the results of a free and fair election. Trump’s rejection of a peaceful transfer of power represents a seismic shift to the bedrock of democracy.  The longstanding success of US democracy has served as a benchmark for emerging democracies in other countries. Trump’s refusal to accept the election results created a disruptive right-wing copycat, think Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro. He faces an escalating number of criminal investigations, and is the first former president to be convicted, by a jury of his peers, of felony crimes. 


The verdict is a scorching legal reckoning for Trump. It is perplexing that the conviction, and possible imprisonment, do not preclude Trump from continuing his White House campaign. Some GOP leaders, and evangelical Christians remain resolute in their support of Trump despite the spectacle, boundary breaking behavior, and history making verdict. 


Politicians who rationalize, coddle, or ignore political violence to maintain power are complicit in the attack on democracy. 

The messaging and actions of political misfits must be taken seriously. A siren is blaring. “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”   Edmund Burke


Public officials, whose influence adds a moral weight to a functioning democracy, take an oath to defend and protect the Constitution.  Trump suggested suspending the Constitution, a sacrosanct, though imperfect, document. 


Former Trump cabinet members and officials, acutely aware of his subversive tactics, are the most vocal opponents of his returning to the White House.  He's been called a threat to democracy, Defense Secretary Mark Esper, unfit to be president, John Bolton, National Security Advisor, a person who admires autocrats and murderous dictators, and has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, our Constitution, and the Rule of Law. John Kelly, Chief of Staff.  


Trump disparaged the late Senator, John McCain, a highly decorated and respected war hero. He is not honest, not focused, not profound, and not inspiring.  


Trump’s nonsensical tirade about windmills, sharks, Hannibal Lecter, immigrants eating cats and dogs, is a distraction from serious policy issues.  A second term for a political misfit bereft of reason, seriousness, and clarity is dangerous domestically and internationally.   


Steven Levitsky, Harvard professor and author of How Democracies Die, serves as a canary in the coal mine on key elements that contribute to the collapse of democracy.  Trump’s dystopian vision of America, Ad hominem attacks, and felonious record are antithetical to democracy and the promise of America. 


The late, great congressional representative John Lewis battle cry: “Get in good trouble, necessary trouble, and redeem the soul of America.”  The battle for saving democracy and defending the Constitution is good trouble.  No tolerance for political misfits.   


Political candidates should be guardians of democracy, ambassadors of truth who reflect decency, dignity, integrity, and civility.  Political misfits fall short.  


Presidents, governors, mayors, judges, and other elected officials should be unifiers whom children and adults respect and admire.  


Fellow patriots, we face a political and moral Defcon 1. There appears to be no bottom to the barrel of political misfits rejecting or demeaning democratic mores. We must rally, in solidarity, to ensure democracy prevails, and a prosperous, secure America stands resolute for the world to see. Our great nation is a magnet to the world. Please take pause on the candidates chosen to reflect and lead our imperfect, yet beloved nation. Political misfits must be summarily dismissed! 


“Not Like Us!” or Are They?  

Carol Massey-McCants, is a mother, grandmother, and retired Section Chief with the California Department of Health Care Services.  She volunteers as a Community Ambassador with the local police department, and mentors young people on a myriad of subjects, including civics and financial literacy.


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1 Comment

Oct 10

This article is well-written, though it does come across as a bit preachy. That might be fine if the goal is to reinforce the views of those who already agree, but it could also lead Trump supporters to close the tab after a couple of paragraphs. Essentially, people are either fully aware of his moral failings and lack of character, or they’ve chosen to embrace temporary amnesia, alternate facts, and a filtered reality.

The article makes many excellent points, particularly with the testimonies from reputable figures. However, it’s likely that some will counter with misinformation on topics like abortion, transgender issues, climate change, Obamacare, taxation, immigration, and disaster response. Future articles might benefit from addressing these falsehoods directly with facts…

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